Enhance the employability skills among the students to meet out the corporate expectations
To partner with renowned organizations from industry & organize recruitment drives for our students within and outside the campus.
Present Scenario
In the present era, campus placement holds a great importance for students While, it helps a student in building a strong foundation for the professional career ahead without facing the real-world job struggle, peer-competition or family pressure.
Campus placements provide the students with a foot-in- the-door opportunity, enabling them to start off their career right after they have completed their course curriculum. Furthermore, they get to interact and engage with the industry professionals during the placement drives, which further help lay a foundation for their prospective career in the future as they familiarize with potential contacts from their chosen career field.
Technological Transformations: With the technological advancements happening in every sector, the nature of jobs is changing rapidly. New and diversified jobs have come into existence, which were never heard of before. And the trend is going to continue in the future with Artificial intelligence, robotics, and Machine Learning taking over the traditional educational module.
Key Gaps in Employability: Employability requires three key ingredients of competency – Knowledge, Skills and Attitude. Knowledge is just one component and not the only factor. While academia has been doing a good job on the knowledge front, it has to employ more resources to address the gap in technical skills development, including the enhancement of soft skills. A major reason for this is that the speed at which the curriculum is revised at Universities is not agile enough to keep pace with industry.
Placement cell Focus in 2019-2020 (Taking care Of Challenges) :-
Based on the challenges and scenario faced on the placement front and also based on the feedbacks of the employer’s placement cell in collaboration with college leadership decided to start various remedial measures on challenges starting with employability and skill enhancement training to final year college students. We had 1 PG batch and 2 of the UG batches go through these sessions. After the training students grew in confidence and they were able to attend the interviews with renewed vigor.
Training Consisted of: -
1. Soft Skill Training (Communication, Client Orientation, Presentation)
2. Mock Interviews
3. GD Trainings
4. Mentoring
5. Attitude
6. Grooming Sessions
Listing below some more initiatives that are/would be taken up by placement cell.
- Setting up Product Innovation Lab to enable the culture of Innovation in the colleges: To address the technological transformation Provide ‘learn by doing’ opportunities to students who would then be able to think and learn beyond their conceptual and theoretical learning. In Chinmaya College, we truly believe that when we provide such opportunities to students, they can learn faster and also innovate. Future innovations would come from such labs.
- Mentorship interventions for students: Unless students are not trained on new technologies and skills, they would not be employable. This can best be supported by College. Conducting regular webinars, having mentorship programs for students, Sending students to visit company premises and share new trends with them including giving them demo on new emerging technologies can benefit Academia in a big way. In Chinmaya College, we have been actively partnering with industries in this space and have an internship program for skill development of students.
- Making students attend seminars and professional talks: Our college leadership and placement cell took an initiative in making PG/UG final year students attend seminars and professional talks by partnering with TMA Thrissur Chapter. As a part Students attended a session called “Shaping up young minds” in Lulu convention center. The sessions where taken by imminent leaders in Public and Private sector. They shared their success stories and how a student or young mind should shape up their career and life. Students would be give more opportunities ongoing.
List of companies came in to campus for recruitment: